Sunday, May 10, 2009

Leilani Park Update

This weekend we added a couple things to Kylee's playground. Friday Uncle Mike gave us (free!)Isaac's old climber/slide. It's super awesome! The slide is about twice as high as the one we already had, and it has a side that looks like a rock wall. Here is a picture I got online:

Saturday I got my mother's day gift: a swing set for Kylee! We weren't planning on getting one until next year, but we came across a baragian that was too good to pass up. Target and are currently selling this swing set for about $450 plus shipping. We got it from a friend for $150!
Now Kylee really does have her own backyard park! She loves it and actually plays with everything in it!

The best part is the only thing we had to spend money on (other than fencing material) is the swing set, which we got an incrediable deal on!

We decided to call the park 'Leilani Park', but she calls it "Dada Park", because she watched Robert put up the fence and put together her swing set. When she wants to play she'll say/sign "outside" then point to the backdoor and say "Dadda......Dadda park". When she's finished playing, she opens the gate (on her own!), walks out, and says "bye bye park!"


  1. Wow! That's a lot of stuff!! I am sure Kylee loves it!!!

  2. I love the park! Kylee is certainly enjoying her own park. Kudos Son! I love that you will go to great lengths to make Kylee and Amanda a priority.

    They are the most important people in your life and I am so proud to call you son. I am so proud to have a son and daughter in-law who are great parents. Keep up the good work.

    Love, Mom
