Thursday, June 25, 2009

Random Updates

Kylee is saying more and more phrases and even a few actual sentences. Yesterday while she was digging for bugs in her sandbox, she kept repeating "bugs, bugs where are you?" She's been saying "where are you" for a little while now, but it has just recently gotten clear enough to really hear each word. I'm pretty sure we have Kylee's friend, Charli, to thank for this. Charli is quite the little talker these days. She is an awesome language model for Kylee!

Kylee has rediscovered her love for the Wheels on the Bus song. She also loves the Baby Bumble Bee song, Ring Around the Rosies, and This Little Piggy.

I think Kylee is officially over her Elmo and kitty cat obsessions. She still likes them but doesn't go as crazy over them as she used to. Her new obsessions are dogs (not completely a new thing... just getting more intense) and money. She still loves bugs. She is also really into animals (especially monkeys) and can name quite a few of them. Her latest animal words are: monkey, hippo, tiger, lion, zebra, camel, pig, and alligator. She is also starting to say color words. She says purple, green, yellow, and blue; but purple is the only one uses correctly.

One of my favorite things she does now is "read" her books. She'll grab a book, open it, and jibber jabber away. Sometimes she says actual words. Sometimes she just babbles. It usually depends on the book. My favorite to watch her read is Please Puppy Please. She'll say "puppy" over and over again, and every now and then throw in the word "please". Its super cute. The funny thing is its actually pretty accurate to the story.

Kylee absolutely HATES having her hair washed now and is actually getting worse about letting me get anywhere near her head at bath time. She is getting better about playing in the sprinkler though. She's getting closer and closer and will now get close enough to get her legs wet and put the balls back in (the sprinkler shoots up balls with the water). With enough encouragement, sometimes she'll even stick the top of her head in.

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