Monday, July 5, 2010

Fourth of July

Our Independence Day wasn't as eventful this year as last, but it was fabulous! We spent most of the day at Aunt Patty's house. We couldn't actually cook out due to the rain, but Uncle Mike pulled his grill inside his garage and grilled some excellent hamburgers and hot dogs.

Since it was hot out and wasn't lighting, I let Kylee put on her swimsuit and play in the rain. She had a blast, and I had a lot of fun just watching her.

It started to get a little cooler later in the afternoon; so, Kylee warmed up in the hot tub with Stacey and Dale.

Kylee fell to sleep on the way home (woohoo!). When she woke up from her nap we made fireworks paintings.

blow painting

Q-tip painting
We didn't buy any fireworks, but we got lucky. Someone shot off a ton at the park around the corner. The girls and I watched a pretty good display from the front yard. After that it was baths and then bedtime as usual. All and all it was an awesome day.

1 comment:

  1. I swear she's got a swimsuit for every occasion. :) Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!
