Sunday, February 8, 2009

Belly Button!

Kylee has recently become completely obsessed with belly buttons. She loves finding and showing off her belly button. She lifts up her shirt, points to her button, and yells "belly button!" ( It doesn't exactly sound like "belly button", but the "B"s sound pretty good, and she gets 3 syllables in there). Anytime she came across someone new this weekend (at Cracker Barrel, the hotel, the ER, etc), she exclaimed "hi!", waived, and then showed her new friend her belly button. People seemed pretty amused by this. I think we got more "She is so cute!" compliments than ever. Several people even showed her their belly buttons! She thought that was pretty awesome and has started demanding to see my belly button about a zillion times a day. The first thing she does when she sees me in the morning is demand to see my belly button. Then she runs (literally runs) to get her belly button book....

...Kylee is so obsessed that she even has her friend, Charli, trained. Kylee will point to Charli's tummy, and Charli will lift her shirt to show Kylee her belly button. In fact, the first thing Charli did when she saw Kylee at gymnastics today was show Kylee her belly button. Silly girls!