Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Big Girl Now
A few days ago Robert installed Kylee's big girl (front facing) car seat, and it has made a world of difference! Her car tantrums had actually got worse lately, but since she's been in her new chair, she's been great (quick - everyone knock on wood!) This morning we went to a play date at Angie's. When I pulled back into our garage and turned off the car after the playdate, Kylee signed "more"!! I thought 'surely she doesn't want more time in the car', but couldn't think of what else it could be. So, I turned the car back on and circled the neighborhood for about 5 minutes. I then pulled back into the garage and turned around and asked Kylee if she was ready to get out of the car. Once again, she signed "more." So, around the neighborhood we went. After a few more minutes, she fell asleep!
I am also pleased to announce that Kylee has been completely bottle free for the last 2 days! She hasn't had a bottle during the day in over a month, but I've been too chicken to take away her bedtime bottle. Last night when I went to get the bottle I realized I had loaded the dishwasher but for some reason had forgotten to turn it on. Instead of hand washing a bottle, I decided to be brave (and lazy) and offered her a sippy cup. There was a little bit of mild fussing, but overall, it went great! Yay! Kylee is officially a member of the big girls club!