Thursday, July 9, 2009

Party Animals

At the end of last week/beginning of this week we had 5 days in a row of celebrations. Thursday grandma made chunky monkey cake and took us out to eat for my birthday. Friday and Saturday we celebrated Independence Day. Sunday Aunt Michelle had a birthday party for her Great Dane, Izzy. Monday was grandma's birthday. We took her to lunch; then went to her house in the evening for cookie cake.

The puppy party was by far the most interesting. Aunt Michelle had hamburgers, hot dogs, and paw shaped cupcakes for the humans. The dogs (7 of them!) got hamburger and hot dog shaped squeaky toys, dog cookies, Purina pup cups (doggy ice cream), and a bowl full of balls. Kylee was very excited to see the dogs wearing birthday hats. I forgot to bring my camera, but here are a few pictures Aunt Michelle took.

The birthday girl


Kylee and Damsel after eating their treats

Kylee fighting the dogs for the bowl of balls

Singing Happy Birthday to grandma (I forgot gym was cancelled this week)

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