Oct 14 - Nathaniel and his mom, Danielle, came over before lunch. We had a great time visiting with them. I got busy talking and forgot to take any pictures.
Oct 16 -Annastazia and her mom, Jillian, came over. The girls had a picnic lunch in the backyard and then played together in Kylee's play area. Kylee was very excited about the chips and zebra cakes that Annastazia brought to share.
Oct 22 - Carrie and her mom, Aly, came over, and we made edible peanut butter play dough. Neither girl was very interested in playing with it, but they both seemed to really enjoy eating it.
When they left we went to Annastazia's house and played with real play dough. Surprisingly, Kylee did great with it....at first. Eventually she started eating it, and we had to put it up. I forgot to bring my camera, but Jillian is supposed to email pictures. I'll post those as soon as I get them.
Oct 24- We met Ethan and his parents at the park. First the kids played on the tot side of the park while Tara and I watched and reminisced. Its hard to believe its been over a year since we first met them there (at our first Connect the Tots event). We went over to the big kid side for awhile, and Kylee and Ethan ended their date by holding hands and swinging together.
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