Tuesday, February 16, 2010

First Dental Exam

Today Kylee had her first dentist appointment. I was expecting the worse, but it actually went really well. Kylee was super brave, the staff was great with her, and we got a clean bill of health! As soon as the hygienist called Kylee's name, Kylee jumped right up and went with her. She didn't even look back to make sure I was behind her. In fact, the hygienist actually had to tell Kylee to stop and wait for me a couple times! When we got to the exam room, Kylee climbed right into the chair. She even leaned back and opened her mouth!! Kylee was a little nervous about the buzzing toothbrush and as soon as she got a taste of the toothpaste (which she obviously did not like), she decided she was "all done". She closed her mouth and didn't let the hygienist brush her teeth. Even though she stopped cooperating, she didn't throw a fit and actually did it rather politely. She then told the hygienist she was ready to see the doctor. Kylee actually acted a little excited to see Dr. Jackson and have him count her teeth like he does Aunt Michelle's and Auntie Vickie's. She was a little reluctant when he came towards her mouth, but she opened anyways.
They didn't make me hold Kylee down (like I feared) or force her to do anything that she was uncomfortable with. They said they wanted to make sure her 1st dental experience was a good one. I really appreciated that. Dr. Jackson said that he doesn't see any signs of decay and that her top and bottom molars line up nicely. :)
Both the Dr. Jackson and the hygienist commented on how friendly and well behaved Kylee was and were impressed with how much she talked with them for having just turned 2. I was so proud of her!

We stopped at High Tech on our way home so that Kylee could show grandma the bracelet she picked out for being such a big girl. While we were there, she told grandma she needed to go pee in the potty. She took grandma's hand, led her to the bathroom, and sure enough, she went!

1 comment:

  1. YAY Kylee!! (This means Carrie's shoes are safe now right, LMBO!) Thats so great that she did so well at the dentist! I'm avoiding taking Carrie... she'll just bite down when he sticks his fingers in her mouth
