Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Potty Time

DISCLAIMER: This post is rather boring and contains information that may be considered TMI to many readers. It is more of a for-the-record/baby book/progress chart type post than a for-people-to-read post. Anyways... here are the notes from our first potty training attempt:

Friday the Potty Power video I ordered Kylee came in. She was super excited and wanted to watch it right away. She actually sat and watched the whole video 3 1/2 times in row! That's quite a bit longer than she's ever sat for anything. Since she was so into the video and has been showing some signs of potty readiness (telling me before she poops, asking for new diapers when hers are wet, etc), I decided to give the potty training thing a go. Here is her progress so far:

Day 1 (Saturday): She went naked booty most of the day. As long as she was naked, she didn't go (on the potty or the floor), but as soon as I put anything on her (didn't matter if it was a diaper or panties), she peed.
Day 2: Sunday seemed very promising. I took her diaper off as soon as she woke up. She went naked for awhile and pooped in her potty! :) I put panties on her after that. She didn't pee or poop in the potty any more that day, but she was obviously making an effort to hold it and was able to keep her panties dry most the day. Any time her panties got even the slightest bit wet, she asked for new ones. Grandma came over for dinner and brought Kylee a surprise (a Spot book) for using the potty for the first time.
Day 3: Back to square 1. I took her diaper off when she woke up and tried to get her to poop in the potty (this seems to be her usual poop time). She said she was going to go so that she could show daddy (he was gone to drill on Sunday and missed the big event), but only sat for about a minute before asking for a diaper. I diverted her attention (so as not to have to put a diaper on) and let her go naked for awhile until company came over. She wore panties the rest of the day and peed and pooped in them as she would a diaper. She wasn't interested in the potty at all and seemed to be making no effort to stay dry. If she wet herself in front of me, she immediately said "Uh -oh. It's ok. Mommy clean it." If she wet herself in another room, she just continued playing like nothing happened. She didn't care at all to be changed. I eventually put a diaper on her.

It seems like she is getting there, but is not quite ready yet. I'm going to drop the subject for awhile and, unless she shows interest on her own before then, try again in a few weeks.

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