Thursday, April 29, 2010


Kylee seems to be adjusting to life as a big sister. She still gets jealous at times, but overall things are going fairly smoothly (at least a lot more so than the 1st 2 weeks). The meltdowns have pretty much stopped and the fits are getting fewer and fewer. We still need to work out the kinks in our bedtime routine, but we have pretty good morning routine down. Kylee comes to my bed when she wakes up. If I'm lucky, she goes back to sleep for another hour or so. She waits for Makenna to wake up so that she can hold her before Makenna eats. Makenna usually goes back to sleep for another hour or 2, which works out great because it gives Kylee and I some alone time. She has been doing pretty good about occupying herself after that, until lunch time. Afternoons are still a little rough. Yesterday, like most days, she didn't take a nap. Consequently, many fits ensued. Today I got lucky. Both girls are napping.

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