Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Kylee's Secret Stash

A few days ago, Kylee walked up to me and grabbed my ring finger. I looked down and noticed that the anniversary wrap had snapped off my wedding ring. I snapped it back on and didn't think much more about it until the next morning when I woke up and noticed it was gone. I looked everywhere for it and have been worried that maybe it went down the drain sometime while I was washing my hands. Anyways.... a few minutes ago while I was picking up Kylees toys, I found an empty diaper wipe box that used to have some of Kylee's Little People animals in it. The animals had been dumped out into her toy box, and inside the diaper wipe box was a highlighter (Kylee loves markers), an outlet plug (she's oddly obsessed with those), and - sure enough - my anniversary band! I hardly ever leave Kylee in a room alone, and when I do, its for no more than a minute or two. So, I have no idea how or when she managed to collect these treasures. Sneaky! Sneaky! Oh well... I'm a little worried about my apparent lack of supervisory skills but also relieved to have found my band and glad that Kylee decided to stash it instead of eat it.

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