Thursday, March 5, 2009

At the Hospital with Daddy

Today Robert underwent his first major medical procedure (kidney stone extraction). Kylee and I stayed with him at the hospital from 8:30 to 11:45. She did great! She was completely fascinated by the nurses taking daddy's temp and blood pressure. She greeted each one with a big smile and a friendly "hi". Then watched intently as the nurse took daddy's vitals. She even learned what sound daddy's heart makes (if you ask her she pats her chest and say "bumbum bumbum"). She eventually got antsy. So, my sister walked her down to cafeteria to get a snack. When she returned, daddy had his IV in. She must have thought the IV bag looked like a punching bag, because she kept pointing to it and saying "hi-yah" (she wanted to kick it). Once they took Robert back to start the procedure, I took Kylee and Michelle back to the house. Kylee fell asleep just as I pulled on to my street and ended up sleeping the entire 3 1/2 hours I was gone! She woke up literally 1 minute after I walked back in the door. Talk about perfect timing! She never even knew I was gone. :)

Since the weather was so nice (91 degrees!) when Kylee woke up, we set up the water table that Aunt Michelle got her for her birthday.

In other news... Kylee said a new word yesterday: "owl". Its soooo funny watching her say it, because she tucks her top lip under and stretches her nose out (its hard to describe... I'll try to get a pic). She also blew her first bubble and got her shoe on all by herself (although it fell off about a second later)!