Monday, March 30, 2009

Early Morning Masterpiece

Kylee skipped her nap yesterday and went to bed early last night. She woke up at 5:00am this morning bright eyed, bushy tailed, and apparently feeling artistic. I tried getting her back to sleep, but she insisted on finger painting. I was too exhausted to deal with a fit (which I'm sure would have ensued if I had said "no") or to think of a clever way to distract to her. So, I got out the paint and let her go to town. When she finished, she ran into the office and got her journal and a few markers. She drew a picture in her journal, and for the first time, she gave her drawing a title. I'm sure you can guess what she drew....bugs! After she painted a few more pictures, I was able to convince her to come lay down with me (5am is waaay to early for me). I'm not sure who fell asleep first. Daddy was quite amused when he got home from work and found us both conked out, covered in finger paint.

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