Friday, March 13, 2009
Nations of Fun
A couple weeks ago we made some new friends at Nations of Fun. Wednesday we met them there again. As usual, we had a blast! This was our 3rd time there, and Kylee is becoming quite the pro. She can climb all the way up on her own, and even goes down the slide, which is pretty big, all by herself (see picture below...the black dot at the top of the middle slide is her). She is much faster than I am at navigating the tunnels. She knows that and thinks its hilarious.
On the way home, I finally remembered to switch out the CDs so that she could listen to "Old McDonald Had A Farm" (one of her favorite songs). We haven't heard it in awhile, and she was very excited to hear it. She repeated the animal sounds and sang the "EIEI" part every time, but never said "O". When the song was over, she fell asleep.