Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cooking with Kylee

Monday night Kylee and I did our first cooking project together. We made blueberry pancakes to take to our playdate brunch on Tuesday. I used Alycia's trick and mixed in some infant cereal for extra iron. Kylee seemed to enjoy the whole process. Her favorite part was stirring the batter. When the batter was ready, I let her watch me cook one pancake. It looked pretty darn good for my first pancake (I usually just by the frozen Eggo pancakes). It wasn't a perfect circle, but it was definitely recognizable as a pancake. It must have tasted pretty good too. After taking her first bite, Kylee said "yummy pancake!" She then proceeded to eat the whole thing! yay! success! I decided to put the rest of the batter in the frig and wait until she went to sleep to cook the rest (Since I'm so clumsy, I get nervous about having her anywhere near a stove). Unfortunately, without her supervision, my cooking skills went to squat. EVERY pancake I made (or rather attempted to make) turned out super crispy on the outside and all goo on the inside. I ended up having to bring string cheese to the party. My lack of domestic skills is really quite astounding. I guess I should have taken home ec.

The apron she is wearing was custom/hand made by our playgroup friend, Angie. It is reversible, and I have one just like it! I asked Robert to take a picture of us in our matching aprons, but all the shots he took were from the shoulders up (and he forgot to turn on the flash). Silly daddy!

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