Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wildlife Refuge

Yesterday was a great day! Auntie Vickie took us out to the Wichita Wildlife Refuge. Our new playgroup friends, Alycia and Carrie, came along too. First we went to the visitors center. It's not very big, but it has quite a bit for kids to touch and explore. Kylee and Carrie seemed to really enjoy it. Two of the building walls are made of glass, and there was a herd of bison just a few yards away. Kylee was so excited to see the "buffalo" (more excited than she was to see any of the animals at the zoo).

After that we stopped at Meers, and Vickie bought us all lunch. We got the food to go and took it to a scenic spot near Sunset for a picnic. The weather was perfect! Kylee didn't eat much of her lunch (the least healthy lunch she's ever had) before a butterfly flew by and caught her attention. From then on, she was too busy bug hunting to eat. She had so much fun exploring and was absolutely ecstatic about all the bugs, rocks, and sticks she found. She also found her perfect climbing tree. She was in heaven!!

Kylee and Carrie both fell asleep on the way back (woohoo!), and Kylee ended up taking a pretty good nap. When she woke up, she kept asking for Aunt. So, grandma and Aunt Michelle picked us up and took us to Branding Iron with them. Yum!

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