Saturday, April 18, 2009

Time Flies

I can't believe how fast time flies. Kylee is getting so big, so fast. This week I went thru some of her old clothes to get ready for our playgroup garage sale. It was hard not to get emotional. I can't believe she was ever too small for preemie clothes. Its amazing how much she's grown in just a little over a year. I hate that she's growing up so fast, but on the bright side, it is fun to watch her grow and develop into her own little person. Every time she does something new, even if its something small, I get so excited. I get so impressed by what she can do (even if its just normal toddler stuff).
This morning while she had breakfast, we actually had a conversation. She (obviously) can't actually narrate a story, but she is able to recall and, in her own way, retell events. Here is how our conversation went:

Mommy: "When you get finished, we are going to go to Charli's house."
Kylee: "Charli!! Get! Get ya!" (tickling her tummy)
Mommy: "Charli likes to get you. Doesn't she? You guys have so much fun!"
Kylee: "hug....uh-oh!"
Mommy: "Oh yeah... you guys had an uh-oh yesterday, didn't you?"
Kylee: "Bonk!" (taps her head)

Yesterday while we were at Charli's, Kylee and Charli were playing the "get you" game (chasing/tickling each other). Charli decided to give Kylee hug but was a little over zealous, resulting in an uh-oh. The girls both fell down and bonked their heads on the wall.

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